Over the past 6 months there has been so many things happening and businesses to help.
In March a group of us went and walked the Tongorariro Crossing, this was a great experience eventhough the weather wasn't that fabulous. I am really keen to do some more walks and we are planning to do the Queen Charlotte walk in November this year so am looking forward to ding that.
I have had some great times with my family and friends and really just don't know where the time goes.
At the moment I am very aware that for some trading is not that good however I am also very aware that people in business are sometimes their own worst enemy by not updating their business skills and practices to get their share of the market and its those who take the time to do things a little differenty and get a better market share.
For many years I have been saying that retailers need to use their time to promote their business on the web some have done this others haven't at their peril.
If you are reading this and need to boost your business get out there and get a web presence, and /or do some serious marketing it will make people think of you when wanting to buy what you may have to sell.